1.somebody working for a financial institution whose job involves studying the performance of particular companies and making recommendations to buy or sell their shares
1.Mr. Kumar and his friends are simply trying to take the Chartered Financial Analyst exam.
2.A dispute over accreditation has led to suspension of a chartered financial analyst course offered by a US educational institute in India.
3.A bachelor's degree in finance or business is usually a prerequisite for financial analyst positions; sometimes an MBA is necessary.
4.One of a financial analyst main purposes is to find ways to increase company profitability.
5.For Small to medium size company hiring of a full time CFO, financial analyst, business analyst, system specialist might not a wise choice.
6.I could see the potential to run this much faster and Nvidia's Financial Analyst Day demonstration was a great proof of concept.
7.Christopher Whalen, a US financial analyst argues the only way to remove systemic risk is to force all trades on to transparent exchanges.
8.This groundbreaking concept is so relevant that it is a major part of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) curriculum.
9.Before joining the Equity Capital Markets group, he was a financial analyst for the Investment Banking Division in Global Energy.
10.If you're applying for a financial analyst position, don't waste space including your teenage stint as a lifeguard.